It is time for you, the average consumer, to take a stand!Fellow consumer, for years we have been taken to the cleaners from the automotive industry: It is time for us to demand change in product quality and how the automotive industry conducts business! As consumers, we need to pressure the industry to change course and give us the best product and service they can or let them die – let them go bankrupt! If a few American companies survive they might just get it – they might finally understand that Americans deserve and expect more.Do not be fooled by the stories of bad economy and poor sales! The U.S. automotive industry has done this to themselves!I am not saying that a bad economy does not exist but they have been on this road to destruction for a long time. I used to work in an Oldsmobile, Subaru dealership: in 1986 we sold all models from both manufacturers’, please allow me to cite two models from the 80′s to make my point.1) The Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra wagon came with a 4-cylinder motor, air conditioning, A.M. radio, power steering, power brakes, the approximate retail price was 10k to 11k.2) The Subaru GL wagon came with 4-cylinder motor, air conditioning, F.M. stereo, power steering, power brakes, 4-wheel drive, power windows, power locks, split rear seats, rear defrost, multi position front seats with tilt, roof rack and more: the approximate retail price was 10k to 11k.The Olds had a reputation for having major motor problems and often would not survive past 100,000. By contrast, the Subaru was well known for surviving 200,000 miles plus with little motor troubles. In addition, there was a massive difference in standard comfort features for the same price – we sold Subaru’s at a rate of 40 to 1 compared to the Olds.The U.S automotive industry continued down that path for several years, as the price of vehicles rose dramatically they started to use financing tactics to sell their inferior products. The inevitable happened and many of the vehicles sold failed to last the term of the loans without major repairs and the resale value of a U.S. vehicle was poor so you could not trade them in without going financially backwards.Around 1990 U.S. automotive manufactures started to take heed, they produced some better quality vehicles and kept the prices more stable. Unfortunately, along with the better quality product came a substantial rise in part costs. Thus, repair bills began to skyrocket and continued to stay behind foreign competitors’ and their technology. Around 2000 it seemed we went downward again in the Quality department, around 2005 we started to rise some but I think it was far too little and a little too late.In 2008 Ford Motor Company had an ad campaign on stating they now had cars that with equivalent quality of Toyota. I don’t know about you, but if I owned a Ford I would feel like “Oh great, so the Ford I bought prior to 2008 was admittedly inferior!”U.S. automakers sponsor racing teams at a cost of millions of dollars per year: they continue to grossly overpay their executives: they have wildly exaggerated union worker compensation: and still, after at least 2 decades of foreign competitors nipping at their heels, they still stay so far behind in technology and quality. Quite frankly, I don’t understand why!Now, after years of inferior products, higher repair bills, exuberant executive payouts, must have unions in order to work in the plants, they put their hands out for the taxpayer to bail them out? There should be no question about the answer: a resounding NO!Thank you Mr. Ford for making the model T and further ushering in the industrial age, thank you U.S. auto manufacturing for providing good jobs for so many years: But you are a business after all and must hold to do or die like the rest of the business world!I am not advocating Americans should buy foreign products – especially in our current economic crisis! However, the majority of the working U.S. public has a limited amount of money for automobile purchases necessitating we use that limited amount wisely. With past and current conditions in the automotive industry higher quality, better comfort, more options for the same price suggests the foreign automotive makers provide “more bang for the buck”.(By the way, I own two American vehicles, one I am not pleased with at all and the other has so far *crossing fingers* been fantastic.)
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Dog Nutrition Tip – Why Your Puppy Isn’t Eating & What You Can Do
Dog Nutrition plays a huge role in your puppy’s growth and eventual good health. By not eating, he can develop certain nutrition-related problems later on. While not eating for a short time is not going to cause any long-term problems, it’s important to make sure it doesn’t last more than a few days. Here’s what you can do right now.Contrary to what you might believe, dogs don’t get bored with their food. They stop eating for a number of other reasons, including stress, too much activity in his dining area, and new surroundings. Of course, there’s also the possibility of illness, but before seeking veterinarian help, give it a few days to see if your puppy begins eating again.A puppy does most of his growing in the first year, so any dog nutrition issues must be addressed quickly. Your dog’s nutrition will not suffer if he doesn’t eat for a few days, but if his refusal to eat persists, it could jeopardize his proper growth.When your new puppy arrives at your house, he’ll be a little disoriented, confused, and worried because he was recently taken from his mother and siblings. Dogs are social creatures, so this separation can be distressing to a young puppy. By making sure he gets a lot of attention from your family and is successfully introduced to and accepted by any other household pets, you can help him to adjust more quickly.If he stops eating, the worst thing you can do is to hand feed him, as tempting as that can be. This can trigger a behavior you don’t want to have to address later on. The only time you’d hand feed him is if your vet suggests it. Otherwise, you want to feed him at a regularly scheduled time every day. If he doesn’t eat the food in 15 minutes, remove it and leave only the water. Put his food back down at his next regular feeding.You’ll probably feel a bit guilty if your puppy isn’t eating because of the potential problems it can cause. Actually, there’s not much to worry about regarding dog nutrition as long as the lack of food intake is short term. He will have sufficient reserves to keep him healthy for the short term. Still, you’ll want to take a look at possible causes of his eating problems to shorten the delay in his getting proper nutrition.Here are a few things you can do.If your puppy has diarrhea, keep your eye on him to see how bad it is. If it is severe or if it doesn’t stop after the first day, take your puppy to the vet quickly as dehydration can become a very real threat to your puppy’s health.Always put his food and water in the same place to avoid disruptions in his behavior. Dogs like stability, and moving his pot around will not help.Avoid feeding him table scraps as this can disturb his digestive system and lead to certain behavior problems later on.Make sure that his dining area is quiet during feeding times. It’s difficult for a puppy to concentrate on eating when kids are running around, vacuums are running, and people are walking back and forth.If other pets in the household are showing aggression, bullying or jealousy against your new puppy, keep them out of his eating area until he’s finished his food. Nothing can jeopardize your dog’s nutrition intake faster than animals trying to attack him or take his food while he’s eating.After you’ve ensured his dining area is free of distractions and disruptions, and if he’s still not eating after a few days, take him to your veterinarian. Certain treatable conditions can interfere with his desire to eat. Worms is one common problem that can be cured quickly and easily.Worms left untreated can cause your puppy to suffer with more serious dog nutrition issues because worms actually devour the food before your puppy digests it and absorbs its nutrient value. If left untreated, worms can cause more serious problems for your puppy. The sooner the condition is treated, the sooner your dog will recover and begin eating again.A puppy’s growth rate and long term health are influenced by his food intake. Puppies use up their nutritional intake more quickly during the formulation weeks and months than they do during adulthood. This means that they require more nutritional food to meet the body’s growing needs.During his first year, feed him a good quality commercial food that has been specially formulated to meet the nutritional demands of your growing puppy. By following these simple steps, you can ensure your puppy grows healthy and strong. It’s all about making sure he gets good dog nutrition right from the start.
Commercial Loan Financing – Funding Business Growth
Actually, traditional financing may not be the only way of getting money or borrowing money that your need in order to move forward with your projects or business. You can look for commercial financing loan from a lender who specializes in funding your projects.Commercial financing loan are designed only for business purposes and they understand the business that you do where in they regularly work with business like yours.The commercial financing loan is available for wide variety of projects and can be approved far more quickly than traditional bank loans. So in finding a commercial financing loan, be sure that you are working with a great lender that is willing and able to work with you to smooth out the process of growing your business knowing that there are other business professionals which are not sure where to look for in order to find the right commercial financing loan that they need.To be sure, try to ask from your friends or relatives if they know of a reputable commercial loan financing where you can be at ease and help you with your problem in financing loan for your business. Take note that commercial loan financing is also known as commercial mortgage financing.Before anything else or looking for the commercial loan financing, you need to organize, plan and complete the detailed business plan to get commercial financing loan since the lenders want to know extremely the details of your proposed business ventures before they could help you. You need to show them your targets and describe to them in details how you will run or operate your business. Show the lender how many people you need to work with you on your business, monthly expenses, and estimated profit and how you intend your business to generate cash flow.You need to have a complete economic and cash flow assessment in order to gain the commercial loan financing and show them how your business future will be good in the area where you wish your business to start. If the lender find your business effective through your cash flow assessment that means you know how to manage the money then for sure they can help you with your business.Don’t go to one commercial loan financing but instead go out and shop for it and compare their interest rates, term and conditions so that you can get the best commercial loan financing that suit best to your needs. What is important in commercial loan financing is that they are trustworthy, reliable lender who knows you, your goals and your needs. You need to have a solid relationship with the lenders so that you feel as t ease and can ask a lower interest rate as possible.Always be aware but most of the commercial loan financing always look for your credit score or records and you need to clear that first before applying for a commercial loan financing.